ada seorang temen gw yg ikutan salah satu writing contest, dia ngangkat atau terinspirasi dari my love story.. dan ternyata masuk nominasi.. dan akhirnya juara 3.. dia menuliskan ceritanya dengan sangat bagus menurut pendapat gw.. penggambaran emosinya sangat bagus.. sangat mirip dengan apa yg gw rasain, gw alamin.. it's like a dejavu when i read it.. beautiful words, beautiful story.
let me share a scene yg jadi favorit the author....
keep writing my friend, it's my pleasure to share my story with u..
let me share a scene yg jadi favorit the author....
He turns on the radio, letting it in, letting it sink, getting rid of the cold sweat.beautiful story isn't it..?
Pondering what the hell he is suppose to feel? Should he be grateful? Should he be angry? sad? frustrated?
He look at at the watch. ten more minutes, she has said. she would come in ten more fucking minute. And then what? savor togetherness? feel sorry? embrace the last chance?
I want everything. i want everything. i want everything.
if this the last time, then i want everything. fights, love, tears, laugh, kiss... i want every-single-thing.
He knows he is going to give it all. He doesn't want to have anything left after this of there nothing left to enjoy but a memory.
He pace around the small room cursing at the time.
is it too fast? is it too slow? is life a liar?
He wants to change his clothes. He wants to change the sheets, making it special. But then again for what? He is, at the end of tonight, is going to let her go.
With God will, he will pull through and he will not cry.
Then he heard her.
First, the sound of her car hat makes that special screech sounds. his heart racing harder.
Then the sound of her heels. He can imagine her looking so perfect.
Then the sound of the door being unlocked. He can already smell her perfume.
He closed his eyes,
there is the love of his life.
keep writing my friend, it's my pleasure to share my story with u..
Wow, splendid!
Imam story's turns out into a very humble expression. A deep exploration to human feelings.
Keep writing!
*Mas Imam, kenalin donc penulisnya ^^
eeeeeeeeehhh yang nulis sopo?? ganteng ga??
1 point yg gw tangkep.. ternyata elo emang segitu gloominya..
keep fight (kl kata my ex boss!!)
huehehehe cooooll!! awesome!!
love u bro!!