no dream land

Alhamdulillah bertemu lagi dengan puasa tahun ini.  mudah2an bisa dijalani dengan penuh semangat dan penuh keikhlasan.
Alhamdulillah juga sekarang memasuki bulan ke-5 kerja di tempat baru dan so far so good. Lancar2 aja.. walaupun ada masalah namun masih bisa ditangani, mulai bisa adaptasi dengan ritme dan alur kerja dan berkenalan dengan birokrasi yah you know lah.. hehehehe
Beberapa hari yg lalu ngobrol bareng temen via YM yg ‘senasib’ yg sama2 memutuskan untuk pulang kampung.
Dari chit-chat yg sebentar ituh sayah diingatkan untuk bersyukur (lagi), yah bersyukur emang gak boleh putus, sebab nikmat dari tuhan memang gak putus2, hanya kita tak mau menyadarinya..
Percakapan itu ngebahas tentang beberapa waktu yg sudah lewat yg kira2 seperti lirik lagu Float - No Dream Land

Running down the corridor in such fancy suit
To catch another 9 to 5
Hiding all your true desires and keep all of them mute
Seems the only way to survive
The never ending story of this no-dream land
Is on the morning headline all this time
Our hesitation is our every day's game
Is this the land that God's condemned?

Sippin' up your lunch-break coffee by the windowpane
Too many plans left to update
You can't wait to have the sun down again
To get the hell out of this cage
Hoping someone starts the revolution
Man, you know that we could be the ones
What the representatives said's not about the constitution
They're just protecting what they won

All this time we're blind
All this time...

You could have been something greater with your balanced brain
The same old line from all your mates
You said, "Why should bother I've got 'dollar' to repel the pain?"
You spit it out as your defense
To be what we want is everyone's dream
Man, you know with passion we might win
How many more lies that should blind our eyes?
We can do something to our life

All this time we're blind

Yaaa.. pilihan sayah sekarang ini gak seperti lirik lagu di atas, meskipun “dollar” yg didapat sangat jauh dari kerjaan sebelumnya, namun banyak hal lain yg didapat, “waktu”, ya saya punya banyak waktu luang untuk keluarga, teman dan my personal life. Gak melulu soal kerjaan, di tempat kerja sekarang hanya 5 menit dari rumah, atau 10 menit kalau santai jalannya. Bahkan istirahat siang saya kadang menyempatkan untuk pulang dulu, makan siang sambil liat CSI di FoxCrime :D
Yah walaupun masih ada “Hiding all your true desires and keep all of them mute Seems the only way to survive” but i try to deal with that.

Kembali ke pepatah sunda “kajeun leutik asal ngeureuyeuh” ;)